The recent COVID-19 outbreak has shocked the world by taking lives and disrupting our everyday lifestyle. In this unfortunate time of pandemic, perhaps it is now more important than ever for us to rapidly adapt to a brand-new way of life, particularly on how we practice personal hygiene. COVID-19 knows no boundaries, and everyone on earth could easily infected. Here’s what you can do to support the fight against the virus and power through the pandemic so that life goes back to normal as soon as possible:
Do you know that water makes up 70% of the earth that we live in? Water may seem abundant, but sadly, the world’s water supply is being badly damaged, no thanks to climate change. This global phenomenon is altering our weather worldwide, causing droughts and drying up rivers and lakes in some parts of the world. Moreover, whatever little natural water resources that we are left with are heavily polluted for us to use. It’s no wonder that 1.1 billion people around the world lack access to clean and safe water.
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