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4 Simple Ways to Conserve Water

| Tuesday August 27, 2019

Do you know that water makes up 70% of the earth that we live in? Water may seem abundant, but sadly, the world’s water supply is being badly damaged, no thanks to climate change. This global phenomenon is altering our weather worldwide, causing droughts and drying up rivers and lakes in some parts of the world. Moreover, whatever little natural water resources that we are left with are heavily polluted for us to use. It’s no wonder that 1.1 billion people around the world lack access to clean and safe water.

That is why it is so important, now more than ever, for us to save water, not just for ourselves, but also for the many generations ahead of us. As the saying goes, “a little goes a long way”. When it comes to conserving water, it’s essential for all of us to contribute in our own little ways. Here are four simple tips on how you can save water at home:

1.)   Reduce your energy consumption

Reduce your energy consumption

This point may surprise you, but do you know that saving energy can indirectly help to save water?

To avoid overheating, or even worse, explosions, power plants use thousands of gallons of water to cool their systems down. As such, when you turn off electricity when not in use, that simple act can go a long way in helping the earth to save water!

2.)   Cut your showers short

Cut your showers short

One great way to save water is to speed things up in the shower. For starters, you may want to avoid taking long baths or showers. You should also turn off the tap when you’re applying shampoo or soaping up. Only turn the water back on when you’re ready to rinse. Lastly, you may want to consider switching your shower head to one that is more water-efficient.

3.)  Recycle water where you can

Recycle water where you can

“Grey water” is a term to describe recycling water for secondary use. This means that water that was previously used can be utilized for other purposes. For example, water that was leftover from the laundry machine or dishwasher can be reused to rinse dirt off roads or to flush your toilet bowls. For an alternative, you can reuse water that was used to rinse rice or vegetables for your plants.

Now, who says water can only be used once?

4.)   Check for leaks

Check for leaks

Make sure to regularly check your water pressure meter. If you see abnormal changes in the reading, then this could mean that there may be a leaking faucet somewhere in your home. In fact, large leaks can waste hundreds of gallons per day. Some faucet leaks are easily spotted, but others take a little more effort to locate. If you see any drips, try tightening the connection, and add some pipe tape around it. This ensures that no water is being wasted and that it is being used only when required.

Water conservation is everyone’s effort, which can start at home. Simple steps such as the above can begin at home, and can definitely go a long way in helping Mother Earth to preserve this rich resource.

This friendly water conservation message is brought to you by Rheem, one of the world’s leading provider of water heaters for both residential and commercial uses.

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